Tuesday, December 13, 2011

my first gameboy memories

 When i was a kid, i remember playing gameboy allot. I used to play games it with my friends. Out of many games Pokemon was the most popular and Favorited game of all time in gameboy. It was basically an adventure game were you start with one Pokemon and go on battling and capturing other Pokemon and leveling them up which made them stronger unbeatable.  It's more fun then it sounds. As you go on battling and leveling up the adventure also would get more and more difficult and interesting too. I think this was one of the main region the game was so popular and not boring at all. The game was so addictive that we used to play forever and ever till some one said to stop. It also had a cartoon series of it. I remember watching it without missing a single episode of Pokemon on TV when i was small. Later on school as usual talking, talking and only talking about Pokemon with friends. Basically the game and the cartoon were too fun. Now i think i lost a bit of interest about it as i'm growing up but the name Pokemon will forever be it my memory as one of my most fun memories in my childhood. Now when i remember it, it was like my most fun time in my childhood. I still play the game some times when i remember about it, just for fun, still talk about it with my old friends . Man, those good old days.

Monday, December 12, 2011

my favorite PC games

   I play many games at PC. I actually learned to  use computers by playing games in the computer. At first i used to play mini games or chess or cards, and then i moved on to racing games. It was pretty popular those days, the controls were easy to use you just had to use the four arrow keys on the keyboard. The games like Need for speed and other games. After that when i was in third grade, i found that most of my friends also played games similar to mine. I was quite surprised about that. Then from that time we used to play all kinds of games. We played First person shooter (FPS), strategy games, multiplayer games and arcade games and the best fighting games. We used to trade games to each other. it was very fun. Gaming was my best time pass. I used to play street fighter, tekken 5. Then i used to get bored very fast, and the only game that wasn't that boring was real-time strategy games, for eg: Empire Earth, Age of empires, AOE-II, etc. in those game you had to build your empire from a small village. i enjoyed other games but this id the one i enjoyed the most

Friday, November 4, 2011


 Graffiti art is an form of art.Graffiti art originated in the late 1960's, and it has been developing ever since.There are many types of graffiti known as graffiti art, subway art, or spray can art. Many say it is crime and vandalism but i don't think it is. Graffiti is the way of expressing yourself through crazy art, it is also way of raising public awareness, sending a message to public and also used in political ways.As graffiti was introduced to the art world, two trends happened. One, the art world of collectors, dealers, curators, artists, and the like helped graffiti evolve in style, presumably by sharing their artistic knowledge with the newcomers. Two, the exposure helped to expand graffiti to all parts of the world. Subway or street art is any art developed in public spaces  that is, "in the streets" and in walls or other private places. Graffiti artist are very good in art. They have their own way of doing things or making graffiti art. They have crazy imaginations and are too good to be true. Graffiti is an art that not anyone can do they should have crazy imaginations and an art that catches peoples eye. I like Graffiti very much and Graffiti is awesome.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

my favorite games

  I play games when i'm free. I like playing games of various kinds. I used to play fighter and arcade games a lot when i was small, challenging with friends and stuff. Now i only play 1st person shooter type, where you pick up a gun and start killing others. Two of the biggest shooter games of this generation are Call of duty and Battlefield. They are sold world wide n every gamer knows it. In those games you can play story mode or you can play multiplayer . In multiplayer you are playing online against other human player not CPU the game matches up with other online player and then we play objective based game its very fun and competitive. We rank up as we play and know how good someone is buy seeing their profile and rank. I'm an average player sometimes i play good and sometimes i don't. It all depends on the situation weather your team is playing well or not or your team is an armature or pro.Its really really fun playing these games and time passes by very fast too. So, i play games when i have nothing to do.

Monday, October 17, 2011

time travel

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time. Like moving between different points in space, going back to the past or the future either sending objects or information backwards in time to some moment before the present, or sending objects forward from the present to the future.  time travel has been famous since early 19th century. Nobody knows if time travel is theoretically and practically possible though but if it is there is a thing called grandfather paradox.The grandfather Paradox is a paradox of time travel first described by the science fiction writer RenĂ© Barjavel. The paradox is this: suppose a man traveled back in time and decided to kill his grandfather before his grandfather meets his grandmother. Then it would mean that his mother or father would never have been born which results than he never even existed or this would also imply that he could not have traveled back in time after all or would have killed someone else. So this is one of the thing that could happen if time travel was possible.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


A number trick that will blow your freaking mind.(fun for reader)
1. First think of any number and write it on a small sheet of paper with your pencil. Fold it up and place it in your pocket. Remember this number.
2. Go to your friend (if you brought the calculator give it to them) and tell them to think of a number (and maybe enter it on the calculator if they got one). Make sure they don't tell you.
3. Tell them to double the number they chose.
4. Now this is where your number on the paper comes in. In your head, double the number you wrote. Tell your friend to add the number you doubled in your head.
5. Then tell them to divide their number by 2.
6. Then tell them to subtract the number they currently have from the first one they started with or vice versa.
7. Pull out the piece of paper in your pocket and give it to your friend. They will be amazed because the number on the paper will be their number!


This trick always works and has a great effect!

computer virus (2nd 6 weeks)

A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are man made. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt. An even more dangerous type of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across networks and bypassing security systems.
Since 1987, when a virus infected ARPANET, a large network used by the Defense Department and many universities, many antivirus programs have become available. These programs periodically check your computer system for the best-known types of viruses.
Some people distinguish between general viruses and worms. A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory, but cannot attach itself to other programs.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fist time flying in plane.

      Planes, the fastest means of transportation. When you wanna travel far from where you are, it takes you there like it was just some couple of miles away or in short time. In my first time time i was just 6 or 7 years old. I was born in Dharan, Nepal. Me and my family moved to our capital city at Kathmandu, Nepal for my studies and stuff. I moved to Kathmandu when i was just 4 years old. So, at holidays like summer break and our long cultural holidays me and my family we used to visit our hometown.  Visit grandfather, uncle, aunt. So we used to travel from plane every time from Kathmandu to Dharan. At my first time i don't actually remember what happened that clearly but i have a blur memories of what happened. When the plane starts it's engine it get very noisy so i didn't like that sound at all and when the plane takes off right of the ground, you have that feeling like you are lifted up in the air and feel strange. At first it was little scary but i got used to it.Up in high altitudes i engoyed watching the huge mountainous region at the north and below many rivers and hills. One time when i was small and traveling through plane i tried to take of my hat, tried to open the window of the plane and tried to throw the hat off the plane and see how far my hat flies. It didn't work. I didn't know the windows of the plane are always closed. I asked my mom and she laughed and explained it to me why it won't open.So, this was my memories of first time in flying in plane.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


A term originally coined by the military, an unidentified flying object. While a UFO refers to any unidentified flying object, in modern days the term UFO has generally become known as an alien spacecraft. It’s an unusual flying object in the sky that is not readily identifiable to the observer as any known object.
Many people think that it’s not from earth or it’s extraterrestrial. Many UFO sightings have occurred through out the recorded history, especially in World War II. However there are many people who mistook something flying in the like balloons or military aircrafts as UfO but also there are 50 to 55% of reported sighting from people that are remained unexplained. Many reports have been made by trained observers such as pilots, police, and the military; some involve radar traces, so not all reports are incorrect. UFOs have been subject to investigations over the years that vary widely in scope and scientific rigor. Governments or independent academics in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Peru, France, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Spain, and the Soviet Union are known to have investigated UFO reports at various times. These official reports refer to the UFO of military term, and not, to the supposed alien crafts. It dose not mean that the above-mentioned governments recognized supposed human contact with alien civilization. In my personal opinion I thin UFO and aliens are real and more than half of the person in the globe also believes that. 


                                I like playing guitar. I play it almost everyday. First i learned to play from my brother. I just learned the basics. I learned many thing when i was playing it with my friend. at first it was quite difficult, you don't know which cord is which, you get confused while playing but as you keep playing and playing you become better. You get even better when you are playing with experts. The guitar i practiced with is hollow guitar, its good for newbies. And now i have an electric guitar. When you are a guitar player you listen to a lot of songs. Try and pick up the cords as you listen. Showing how fast you can play the guitar when you are with your friends.You start listening to rock, punk, metal etc. Most of them you only like how the guitar is played than the music itself. I like playing lead guitar, where you play guitar very fast. There's a song called ''cannon rock'' which is a lead type guitar solo. In this song i like the way he played guitar and it's one of my favorites. You use a thing called ''peak'' to play that type of music( most of them) because it's impossible to play that fast with just your bare fingers. It's kinda difficult with peak, your timing with your cord and timing with your peak should be accurate or perfect. It take time developing that skill but once you are done you can play those kind of songs like it is nothing and I'm practicing to play like that also.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Solar system

The Solar System or solar system consists of the Sun and the other celestial objects gravitationally bound to it: the eight planets, their 166 known moons, three dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, and Eris and their four known moons), and billions of small bodies. This last category includes asteroids, Kuiper belt objects, comets, meteoroids, and interplanetary dust.
In broad terms, the charted regions of the Solar System consist of the Sun, four terrestrial inner planets, an asteroid belt composed of small rocky bodies, four gas giant outer planets, and a second belt, called the Kuiper belt, composed of icy objects. Beyond the Kuiper belt is the scattered disc, the heliopause, and ultimately the hypothetical Oort cloud.
In order of their distances from the Sun, the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Six of the eight planets are in turn orbited by natural satellites, usually termed "moons" after Earth's Moon, and each of the outer planets is encircled by planetary rings of dust and other particles. All the planets except Earth are named after deities from Greco-Roman mythology. The three dwarf planets are Pluto, the largest known Kuiper belt object; Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt; and Eris, the largest of the three which lies in the scattered disc.


  Millions of years ago before human being walked the earth there were creatures called Dinosaurs in earth. They dominated the earth over 165 million years. There were mainly two types of dinosaurs ''carnivorous'' and ’’herbivorous’’. Carnivorous were the type who ate only flesh and meat for their food, they used to hunt down others dinosaurs for their living. The herbivorous were those who only ate plants and leaves from trees and grasses. There were many kinds of dinosaurs walking the earth that time. Some were small and fast, some tall and big, some were very strong and deadly. No one knows what colors or patterns they were, how they sounded, how they behaved, how they mated, or even how to tell whether a fossil came from a male or a female dinosaur. Dinosaurs suddenly became extinct about 65 million years ago, which was a time of high volcanic and tectonic activity. There are a lot of theories why the extinction occurred. The most widely accepted theory is that an asteroid impact caused major climactic changes which the dinosaurs couldn't adapt to. All that's left of the dinosaurs are fossils.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In-line skates also known as roller blades are a type of roller skate used for inline skating. A skate is composed of a boot, worn on the foot. To the boot is attached a frame, which holds the wheels in place. There are different types of inline skates for different types of skating like aggressive skating, speed skating, inline hokey and artistic inline skating.

        I used to do speed skating when i was in middle school. Its very fun competing with friends and their friends who skate. Speed skating is very dangerous if you don't know how to rollerblade or you are just doing it for the first time but if you are not a newbie you can fly. Its simply too fast. I along with my friends we all used to get together and go to the skating place where all stuff used to be there you could practice there if u are new but we mostly used to street skate, competing with each other like who is the fastest one. Showing off some tricks enjoying. We also got many injuries practicing better tricks, making new tricks, skating so fast that you could feel like flying and not be able