Thursday, October 27, 2011

my favorite games

  I play games when i'm free. I like playing games of various kinds. I used to play fighter and arcade games a lot when i was small, challenging with friends and stuff. Now i only play 1st person shooter type, where you pick up a gun and start killing others. Two of the biggest shooter games of this generation are Call of duty and Battlefield. They are sold world wide n every gamer knows it. In those games you can play story mode or you can play multiplayer . In multiplayer you are playing online against other human player not CPU the game matches up with other online player and then we play objective based game its very fun and competitive. We rank up as we play and know how good someone is buy seeing their profile and rank. I'm an average player sometimes i play good and sometimes i don't. It all depends on the situation weather your team is playing well or not or your team is an armature or pro.Its really really fun playing these games and time passes by very fast too. So, i play games when i have nothing to do.

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