Tuesday, December 13, 2011

my first gameboy memories

 When i was a kid, i remember playing gameboy allot. I used to play games it with my friends. Out of many games Pokemon was the most popular and Favorited game of all time in gameboy. It was basically an adventure game were you start with one Pokemon and go on battling and capturing other Pokemon and leveling them up which made them stronger unbeatable.  It's more fun then it sounds. As you go on battling and leveling up the adventure also would get more and more difficult and interesting too. I think this was one of the main region the game was so popular and not boring at all. The game was so addictive that we used to play forever and ever till some one said to stop. It also had a cartoon series of it. I remember watching it without missing a single episode of Pokemon on TV when i was small. Later on school as usual talking, talking and only talking about Pokemon with friends. Basically the game and the cartoon were too fun. Now i think i lost a bit of interest about it as i'm growing up but the name Pokemon will forever be it my memory as one of my most fun memories in my childhood. Now when i remember it, it was like my most fun time in my childhood. I still play the game some times when i remember about it, just for fun, still talk about it with my old friends . Man, those good old days.

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