Monday, October 17, 2011

time travel

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time. Like moving between different points in space, going back to the past or the future either sending objects or information backwards in time to some moment before the present, or sending objects forward from the present to the future.  time travel has been famous since early 19th century. Nobody knows if time travel is theoretically and practically possible though but if it is there is a thing called grandfather paradox.The grandfather Paradox is a paradox of time travel first described by the science fiction writer RenĂ© Barjavel. The paradox is this: suppose a man traveled back in time and decided to kill his grandfather before his grandfather meets his grandmother. Then it would mean that his mother or father would never have been born which results than he never even existed or this would also imply that he could not have traveled back in time after all or would have killed someone else. So this is one of the thing that could happen if time travel was possible.

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