Wednesday, September 21, 2011


                                I like playing guitar. I play it almost everyday. First i learned to play from my brother. I just learned the basics. I learned many thing when i was playing it with my friend. at first it was quite difficult, you don't know which cord is which, you get confused while playing but as you keep playing and playing you become better. You get even better when you are playing with experts. The guitar i practiced with is hollow guitar, its good for newbies. And now i have an electric guitar. When you are a guitar player you listen to a lot of songs. Try and pick up the cords as you listen. Showing how fast you can play the guitar when you are with your friends.You start listening to rock, punk, metal etc. Most of them you only like how the guitar is played than the music itself. I like playing lead guitar, where you play guitar very fast. There's a song called ''cannon rock'' which is a lead type guitar solo. In this song i like the way he played guitar and it's one of my favorites. You use a thing called ''peak'' to play that type of music( most of them) because it's impossible to play that fast with just your bare fingers. It's kinda difficult with peak, your timing with your cord and timing with your peak should be accurate or perfect. It take time developing that skill but once you are done you can play those kind of songs like it is nothing and I'm practicing to play like that also.

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