Sunday, February 12, 2012


SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act. The Act itself allows copyright holders to challenge the use of their content in any form on the internet. This act would obviously end things like pirate bay and Torrent, but it would also have consequences for internet sites like you tube. for example you produce a video on youtube of you doing something interesting and then set it to music. Well, if you didn't produce that music the owner of the music (more likely the label or company) will be able to force you to take it down. This would be done as action against you tube itself, and might make Youtube no longer viable. The mechanism is extrajudicial favouring the copywriter holder who can demand content to be taken down or ask for a ban on payment for a product by credit card companies before the uploader can challenge this claim. It's pretty much the enforcement of copy write laws to the point of censorship. it pretty much ruins the internet. You would be limited to do things in internet. So for this sites like Google , Wikipedia, etc protested against it saying that if u start sopa the internet as we know will no longer be .

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