Friday, November 4, 2011


 Graffiti art is an form of art.Graffiti art originated in the late 1960's, and it has been developing ever since.There are many types of graffiti known as graffiti art, subway art, or spray can art. Many say it is crime and vandalism but i don't think it is. Graffiti is the way of expressing yourself through crazy art, it is also way of raising public awareness, sending a message to public and also used in political ways.As graffiti was introduced to the art world, two trends happened. One, the art world of collectors, dealers, curators, artists, and the like helped graffiti evolve in style, presumably by sharing their artistic knowledge with the newcomers. Two, the exposure helped to expand graffiti to all parts of the world. Subway or street art is any art developed in public spaces  that is, "in the streets" and in walls or other private places. Graffiti artist are very good in art. They have their own way of doing things or making graffiti art. They have crazy imaginations and are too good to be true. Graffiti is an art that not anyone can do they should have crazy imaginations and an art that catches peoples eye. I like Graffiti very much and Graffiti is awesome.